CBA Stretch Routine - Dynamic Warmup

CBA Stretch Routine - Dynamic Warmup (In Order)

  1. Shuffle-Shuffle then 50% Jog away from baseline and back (90 feet)
  2. High Knees (90 Feet)
  3. Butt-Kicks (90 Feet)
  4. A-Skips (90 Feet)
  5. B-Skips (90 Feet)
  6. Side Shuffles facing the field both ways (90 feet)
  7. Carioca facing the field both ways (90 feet)
  8. Alternating Side Lunges (45 Feet)
  9. Forward Lung with inverted elbow (45 Feet)
  10. Arm Circles forward and back (small, medium, and large)
  11. "Frankensteins" (45 Feet) 
  12. Quad Stretch and Reach (45 Feet)
  13. Shuffle-Shuffle then 75% Jog away from Baseline and Back (90 feet)
  14. Trunk Twists (bent knees/athletic position)
  15. Bent Trunk Twists (bent knees/athletic position)
  16. Back Pedal away from Baseline and Back (90 feet)
  17. 180 Foot Striders - Shuffle-Shuffle then 90% run to Centerfield and back
  18. 90 Foot Straight Steal - 100% sprints out of primary lead

Static Stretch Can Take Place After Dynamic if Desired




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